Young vet network

YVN Rep vacancies

Become a volunteer at BVA

The BVA’s Young Vet Network (YVN) was introduced as a network to support veterinary students through their graduation and help to address the feelings of isolation and vulnerability that many graduates experience on entering practice.

The main activity within the YVN is organising local gatherings or meetings that are focused around new and recent graduates (up to 8 years after graduation). We aim for this network to provide the opportunity for face-to-face engagement at a local level and the chance to attend an enjoyable educational event or social get-together, surrounded by peers and friends.

Become a volunteer at BVA Image

Following a review of the Young Vet Network, BVA is looking for new volunteers to become YVN reps for the new structure of 12 regional hubs. This revamp will better reflect our other volunteer and governance structures and ensure volunteers receive consistent support to run activities across the year. We are looking for 2-4 enthusiastic volunteers to lead each hub, check out the current vacancies below:

  • East of England
  • North East
  • Wales
  • West Midlands

Is your region not listed? We still encourage to reach out if you're interested!

What’s in it for you?

  • All volunteers will receive complimentary membership during their term.
  • You will be given access to continuous professional development (incl BVA live bursaries) and resources to support your role and your ongoing learning.
  • You will learn new skills and make new friends.
  • Your role will allow you to build up a network of peers to help develop your career.



Read the role description and send us a short 100 word statement for why you want to be a YVN rep via [email protected]