Advice for pet owners

Advice for pet owners

There’s a wealth of information available for animal owners so it can be difficult to identify trusted sources. You should always talk to your own veterinary surgeon or veterinary nurse for advice.

Building client relationships through preventive healthcare

Why you should register with a vet

85% of pet owners have registered their animal with a veterinary practice. There are many benefits of registering with a veterinary practice for you and your pet.

Read our guide on how to choose a veterinary practice and find the right practice for you and your pet on the Find a Vet website.

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Microchipping your pet

Microchipping plays a key role in keeping pets safe, and allowing stray animals to be quickly reunited with their owners. It's important that you get your microchip from a trustworthy source, linked with a UK database, and that it's implanted by a trained veterinary professional. You also need to keep your details up to date if you change numbers or move house.

We have some general information on microchipping your dog but would always recommend you speak to your local vet for more advice.

Our Microchipping policy

Overcoming the loss of a pet

AWF has produced a leaflet to help owners prepare for the euthanasia of a loved pet. Saying goodbye will tell you everything you need to know about euthanasia – the act of putting your animal to sleep – so that you know what to expect and the choices that you will have.

The Blue Cross runs a Freephone Pet Bereavement Support Service enabling people to share the loss with people who understand and can provide help at a difficult time.

Taking your pet abroad

There are strict rules governing the way people travel with their pets across Europe and beyond. Talk to your veterinary surgeon as early as possible to make sure you have enough time to comply with the rules before you leave the UK. You can read more about pet travel rules on the UK government’s website.

Antibiotic resistance

Antibiotic resistance is a serious problem for animal and human health. Just as it's essential for humans to use medicines correctly and responsibly to protect their own health, it is very important that medicines are used responsibly in animals.

Our leaflet Antibiotic resistance – your role as a pet owner explains the ways in which you can reduce the spread of antibiotic resistance by using medicines responsibly.

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Using parasite treatments safely 

Protecting your pets from parasites? We've put together advice to help you use these treatments safely - keeping pets, people, and our planet safe. 

Vaccinating your pet

By vaccinating your pet you can help prevent them from suffering from certain serious diseases and illnesses.

Our leaflet Getting your pet vaccinated outlines some of the common diseases you can protect your pet against. The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) provides detailed guidance on vaccinations for pet owners.

If you are concerned about any adverse reactions from vaccines, speak to your local vet. Our past President Gudrun Ravetz debunks some misconceptions in a Daily Telegraph interview.