Our policies

Use and sale of rodent glue traps

What's the issue?

Glue traps are used to catch rodents, usually mice or rats. Non-drying glue is placed on a board so that they are unable to escape as their fur or limbs get stuck to the glue.

We're concerned that these traps are inhumane for rodents and other species which may get trapped accidentally.

What's our view?

We support the ethical use of pest control. We’re calling for an outright ban on the use and sale of glue traps, both for the general public and pest control professionals.

If the UK governments continue to allow pest control professionals to use glue traps, they should introduce strict legislative control for limited use of glue traps by individual pest control professionals in exceptional circumstances eg. through training, licensing and close monitoring.

We’re also calling for further research into the development of alternative rodent deterrents and more humane methods of killing.


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