Standing up for the veterinary profession
08 Aug 2024
08 Jun 2018 | Rebecca Grace
Liverpool veterinary student Rebecca Grace shares her top tips for students for EMS, as well as how to find EMS placements.
I’m currently at Liverpool vet school and looking forward to moving to Leahurst next year to start 4th year. I’m originally from Yorkshire so I’m very lucky to have such a diverse range of placements local to me. So far, I’ve completed all 12 weeks of pre-clinical EMS placements and 7 weeks of clinical EMS.
For pre-clinical placement, along with the usual dairy farm and lambing placements, I ventured to a goat farm with 5000 milking goats, a racing yard, a chicken farm, pig farm, an aquarium, rescue kennels and cattery and a bird of prey centre.
For clinical placement, I’ve been to a few small animal vets and spent 2 weeks this Easter at a farm vets. Prior to vet school, I spent a week with a poultry vet, which is slightly more unusual, but a really good placement with lots of pathology and laboratory skills to learn.
I really enjoyed the diversity of placements as 1 week you could be delivering kids (the goat kind), next week you could be target training sharks and feeding penguins, and the next week you could be learning how to handle fit racehorses.
In small animal practices, nurses are your best friends. They have so much they can teach you and will help you learn practical skills and they also know where everything is in the practice, they are life savers!
If you don’t know how to do something, then ask, it is a lot better to ask than to do something wrong and if you do make a mistake, then tell someone as soon as you do. For example, if you forget to put the antibiotics in the antibiotic sensitivity test it can be easily resolved a couple of hours later but not if you don’t say anything for a couple of days.
If you would like to practise something and you haven’t been offered the chance, then ask politely during a quiet period. Sometimes everyone is so busy or on autopilot that they can forget to let you have a go.
Communication is a key skill to learn on EMS. I recommend watching how different vets communicate with the clients and how they deal with tricky situations. If a practice gives you the opportunity to take histories in consults then do it! It is best to practice now before you are thrown in at the deep end when you graduate. If you watch different types of vets you can get a different feel for individual communication styles and what you would like to emulate, but you don’t know how you are going to react until you’ve had the chance to practice.
Always triple check that you have tied a gate up on a farm correctly. I had checked it twice and got to the opposite end of the field when suddenly a stampede of about 200 heavily pregnant ewes were running away from me towards the gate onto a road leading into a village, it is also slightly tricky to round them all back in when you are at the opposite end of the field (don’t worry we got them all back).
I would say one of my more embarrassing mistakes was when I ended up helping with a shark post-mortem. Firstly, sharks’ livers look very similar to lungs and you should engage your brain and realise sharks don’t have lungs. Secondly, I asked what the fin-like structures were that I was holding, the guy at the time was very amused and informed me that they were claspers (shark male genitalia). Needless to say, I should probably have been a bit more familiar with shark anatomy before I started asking too many questions.
There are a number of options when finding a placement. The majority of mine were through word of mouth, especially from farmers recommending other farms and vets, but also by asking around my vet school to see who has already been and whether they would recommend it. In addition, some vet schools have databases that list local farms and practices. There is also the NSA Lambing list for sheep farms.
For places like chicken and pig farms or racing yards who advertise less, my pro-tip is look on Google Earth for farm-like building/racehorse gallops then pop the location into Google to see if you can track down some details. However, it can be less successful as you never know if they will be keen to take on students.
If you’re looking at wildlife parks or bird of prey centres, then go along as a member of the public to see what the volunteers are doing, and their level of involvement in animal care.
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