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Inspirational vet to deliver keynote speech on ‘pure squinty’ career at BVA Members’ Day

18 Jul 2023


Past RCVS President Dr Niall Connell will take to the stage as the keynote speaker at this year’s British Veterinary Association (BVA) Members’ Day in Glasgow on Thursday 28 September.

Inspirational vet to deliver keynote speech on ‘pure squinty’ career at BVA Members’ Day Image

Dr Connell's talk will focus on what he describes as his ‘pure squinty’ career, which didn’t go as originally planned, and how overcoming challenges made him the veterinary professional he is today. 

A 1982 Glasgow Vet School graduate, Dr Connell worked in mixed practice in Fife for two years before spending 26 years with PDSA in London and Glasgow, with 15 of those years as Senior Veterinary Surgeon at East Glasgow PDSA. In 2003, he was diagnosed with secondary progressive Multiple Sclerosis and had to retire from clinical practice in 2010 due to his health. He is now an ambulatory wheelchair user.

In his BVA Members’ Day speech, ‘Transforming Challenges into Opportunities: Lessons learned from a pure squinty career’, Dr Connell, who was RCVS President from 2019 to 2020, RCVS Treasurer from 2021 to 2023 and on RCVS Council for ten years, will discuss his career, overcoming challenging times and his hopes for the future of the veterinary profession.

He said: “It’s a real privilege to be asked to speak at BVA Members’ Day to so many peers from our wonderful profession. My talk will provide a brief, upbeat overview of my career which, due to chronic illness, became "pure squinty". It will cover ill health, uncertainty, isolation and the importance of support during difficult times. I will mention barriers and opportunities for the individual professional and the future of our profession, especially regarding recruitment and retention, including veterinary nurses and undergraduates.”

Earlier this month, Dr Connell, also a trustee for the Scottish SPCA and former chair of several RCVS committees, was presented with an honorary doctorate in veterinary medicine and surgery by Edinburgh University for “inspirational championing of equality and diversity, and acting as a strong positive role model”. This follows the award of his RCVS Fellowship last year for “Meritorious contributions to the profession”.

BVA President Malcolm Morley said: “Dr Connell’s career in the veterinary profession has been inspiring, from his dedicated work in mixed and then charity practice, through to his time as RCVS President and his work on Widening Participation including with Glasgow Vet School. We are delighted to host him as keynote speaker at this year’s BVA Members’ Day and I’m sure his speech will be a highlight of the day.”

The annual BVA Members’ Day celebrates the achievements of the veterinary profession and includes a prestigious awards ceremony. Awards are given in recognition of the various ways BVA members contribute to the advancement of the profession.

BVA’s AGM will also be held as part of  the day, during which the new BVA officer team will be elected.

Tickets for BVA Members’ Day 2023, which takes place at Trades Hall, in Glasgow, are free to BVA members. Places are limited and offered on a first come first served basis. Book now to avoid disappointment. Visit  

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