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BVA to help connect UK vets with Ukrainian refugees

25 Mar 2022


BVA's new initiative will help ‘match’ UK vets who have accommodation to offer with Ukrainian vets seeking to secure entry to the country.

BVA to help connect UK vets with Ukrainian refugees Image

The British Veterinary Association (BVA) is today (25 March 2022) offering to help connect members of the UK’s veterinary community with Ukrainian veterinary professionals seeking to come to the country as refugees.

As part of this new initiative, BVA will help ‘match’ UK vets who have accommodation to offer with Ukrainian vets and their families seeking to secure entry to the UK.  BVA has prepared a simple survey to gather information from UK vets who want to help, and will then use these details to connect participants with Ukrainian vets who contact the association looking for somewhere to stay.

This initiative is specifically designed to support the Government’s Homes For Ukraine programme, which requires UK residents to give the names of individuals coming from Ukraine during Phase 1 in order to secure them entry to the UK. Vets will need to have registered on the Homes for Ukraine website prior to sharing their details with BVA. If they are not matched with a named Ukrainian vet during Phase 1, the UK Government may use their details to match them with another Ukrainian refugee in Phase 2.

BVA is also making a £10k donation to the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal in support of humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, and is encouraging others to donate as well as sharing information and resources on other ways to support those affected by the ongoing crisis.

Justine Shotton, BVA President, said:

“We continue to be deeply shocked and saddened by events in Ukraine, and appreciate the huge outpouring of support from UK vets who want to do whatever they can to help those affected. It can be difficult to find named Ukrainian refugees, and as a professional association we recognise we can play a useful role in connecting UK vets with Ukrainian veterinary professionals seeking refuge here.

“We appreciate that not everyone will be in a position to offer accommodation, but there are many other ways that vets can offer their support, by giving money to humanitarian appeals or donating medical supplies and equipment via the British Veterinary Professionals for Ukraine group. We also encourage workplaces to do what they can to help all refugees to ‘see practice’ while they study for the RCVS statutory exam.”


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