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BVA responds to Daily Mail articles on ‘overtreatment’

29 Nov 2022


Following the publication of two articles in the Daily Mail this week, we have written to the paper to raise concerns that their approach was unfair and imbalanced and to ask that they include our full response as the representative of the profession.

BVA responds to Daily Mail articles on ‘overtreatment’ Image

British Veterinary Association President Malcolm Morley said: “We are saddened to hear that some clients are unhappy with the cost of their veterinary care, especially given that vets are passionate advocates for the animals they treat and will always put an animal’s health and welfare first. We are so used to ‘free at point of use’ medical care and subsidised medicines through the NHS for ourselves, that unexpected vet bills can come as a real shock, particularly where costs can rise with the care needed for complex conditions. If clients are worried about costs, they should let their vet know as they will always talk to owners about the treatment options available, whilst keeping the animal’s welfare as the top priority.

“As with any business veterinary practices need to charge for their services to cover their overheads, pay staff and operate effectively, whether they are independently or corporately owned.  We always advise prospective owners to consider carefully if they can cater to an animal’s needs before they take on this important responsibility and, where possible, to take out comprehensive insurance to help manage the cost of accessing health care.”


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