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BVA issues letter to Government outlining ongoing XL Bully ban concerns

23 Nov 2023


We’ve written to the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to outline our concerns regarding the impact the forthcoming ban on XL Bully dogs will have on the veterinary profession as part of our ongoing engagement with Government on this issue on behalf of our members and the wider veterinary professions.

BVA issues letter to Government outlining ongoing XL Bully ban concerns Image

British Veterinary Association President Anna Judson wrote: “Having been involved in regular meetings with Defra over recent weeks, both as part of the Dangerous Dogs Coalition and separately on behalf of the veterinary profession, we are extremely concerned by Defra’s assertion that there is sufficient veterinary capacity to effectively manage the ban. It is simply not possible to make this assertion without a clear understanding of the number of dogs involved, estimates for which currently range between 10,000 – 50,000, nor without knowing how many of these are already neutered and how many will be presented for neutering or euthanasia. It should be noted that the ‘precautionary approach’ advised by Defra in relation to typing, is also likely to elevate these figures. On this basis, we would be grateful for clarity regarding the provisions Defra has in place to deliver this ban if faced with a lack of veterinary capacity.

“To ease the likely pressure on the veterinary profession, we would also like to see an extension to the current neutering deadlines, under which many dogs will be neutered before the recommended age of 18 months. Extending this for dogs who are under seven months old at 31 January 2024, to the end of June 2025, could also benefit their health and welfare, given the growing body of scientific evidence which suggests that the risk of developmental orthopaedic problems, alongside other medical conditions, is significant in large breeds neutered early (Hart et al., 2020a; Hart et al., 2020b). As few companies insure exempted dogs, this would also help to reduce the likelihood of some medical problems in dogs which are now unable to be insured.”

Read the full letter here.

BVA members can also access our new XL Bully ban: guidance for vets, which collates and summarises key information and guidance impacting the profession.


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