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BVA hails step in right direction for animal welfare as England glue trap ban comes into force

31 Jul 2024


From today, the use of glue traps by members of the public in England will be illegal.

BVA hails step in right direction for animal welfare as England glue trap ban comes into force Image

It is now illegal for members of the public in England to use inhumane glue traps to catch rodents and other animals. The Glue Traps (Offences) Act 2022 comes into effect today after years of campaigning by the UK’s leading veterinary and animal welfare organisations, bringing England closer in line to strict legislation around their use and sale in Scotland and Wales.

The Act makes it illegal for members of the public to use these rodent management products, while professional pest controllers need to apply for a licence for their use and follow strict licensing requirements.

British Veterinary Association President Anna Judson said:

“Glue traps are cruel products that do not kill trapped animals immediately, resulting in hours of agony and suffering. While the new law is a step in the right direction, ultimately, the British Veterinary Association would like to see a full ban of the sale and use of these products by both the public and professionals. In the meantime, it’s essential the Government closely monitors the use of the of traps and ensures anyone issued with a licence undertakes the required training.”

See BVA’s position on glue traps.


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