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BVA awarded top green accreditation for second year running

26 Oct 2023


The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has maintained the highest Investors in the Environment (iiE) ‘Green’ level accreditation for its sustainability performance.

BVA awarded top green accreditation for second year running Image

The accreditation, which recognises progress towards a more environmentally sustainable way of working, follows BVA receiving the top-level recognition for the first time in 2022, just a year after reaching silver-level in 2021.

As part of the work towards maintaining the accreditation, the team at BVA has reviewed and updated its travel, environmental and procurement policies; reviewed and renewed gas and electricity contracts with our green energy supplier; updated BVA’s carbon footprint calculator and set future reduction targets.

The association’s staff-led Green Group also developed a number of environmental projects including litter picking, tree planting, and food and clothing donations, while all staff are encouraged to make an annual ‘sustainability pledge’.  

BVA’s Chief Executive David Calpin said: “Ensuring BVA is a sustainable organisation is a top priority. It’s everyone’s responsibility to take action on climate change and sustainability, and we hope vet professionals and practices will join us in taking positive steps towards reducing their impact on the environment. BVA's maintaining iiE's green level accreditation is great news – a huge thank you to everyone at BVA who has played their part in this success.”

BVA President Anna Judson said: “This is a fantastic achievement and testament to the dedication of BVA’s Green Group, who have really driven the work towards maintaining this accreditation. Making a workplace more sustainable can seem daunting, but every little change makes a real difference, and we hope to inspire more veterinary professionals to take action in their practices and workplaces and help protect our planet.”

Feeling inspired to make your practice greener? Visit Green Team Vet at to find out more.


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