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Animal gene editing: ‘Research promising but health and welfare must remain a priority,’ says BVA

17 Oct 2024


Animal health and welfare must be kept front and centre when undertaking new research and developing new gene editing technology, says the British Veterinary Association (BVA) as it launches latest policy position.

Animal gene editing: ‘Research promising but health and welfare must remain a priority,’ says BVA Image

BVA has published the Gene Editing of Animals policy position in response to the new Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act, which was passed in February 2023, to ensure the legislation safeguards animal health and welfare.

The position acknowledges the potential benefits of gene editing to animal health and welfare, such as improving resistance to disease, and looks at potential uses for gene editing technology which will be permitted by the Precision Breeding Act, such as curing congenital conditions, changing the physiology or appearance of an animal, improving productivity, and adapting an animal to thrive in different conditions. However, the position also urges caution and careful consideration as to whether such uses will be ethically justifiable given their potential animal health and welfare impacts.

BVA’s working group exploring the issue concluded that any gene edit should have a demonstrable health or welfare benefit to the animal being edited and/or its offspring where the trait can be inherited, that gene editing should not be used to compensate for poor management or reduced welfare standards, and there should be no negative welfare impacts on the animals involved.

The position highlights that there is opportunity to shape legislation on gene editing now for the future and recommended that the ideal regulatory framework should:

  • Ensure the impact on animal welfare of any gene editing should be comparable or better than current high-welfare methods of production.
  • Insist gene editing should only be licensed where it results in a positive health benefit for the animal, or no negative welfare impact on the animal and a positive One Health benefit and is not used to alter an animal’s appearance for aesthetic reasons or to facilitate poor management practices. 
  • Prevent gene editing being licensed where the primary aim is to improve the performance of an animal athlete to achieve sporting success.  
  • Design and implement animal welfare assessment protocols for all genetically edited animals which include a statutory requirement for vets, owner, and responsible abattoir staff to report impacts to an independent authority for analysis. That authority should include veterinary expertise. 

British Veterinary Association President Dr. Elizabeth Mullineaux said: “Gene editing has the potential to be a powerful tool for improving and protecting animal health and welfare. However, it must be used responsibly, never for aesthetic reasons or to boost performance in sport. The welfare of any animals involved must also never be compromised. Whilst recent work has shown its potential benefits, there remain lots of unknowns and more research is needed. BVA will work closely with the Government to help shape this new legislation to ensure that animal health and welfare remains a top priority.”

Join the conversation on gene editing at this year’s BVA Congress, held at London Vet Show from 14 – 15 November. “Creating ‘perfect’ animals: Exploring the ethical questions around gene-editing" will be held at 9.30am on 15 November in the BVA Congress Theatre with panellists Dominic Wells, Professor of Translational Medicine at the Royal Veterinary College, Penny Hawkins, Head of Animals in Science Department at RSPCA and Huw Jones, an independent consultant in genetics, genomic tools and applications.

The full policy position can be found at:

To find out more about BVA Congress and London Vet Show, visit


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