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Welcome to vet school! Making the most of your first week at university

15 Aug 2024 | Jayson Hughes


Vet school student and Junior Vice President of AVS, Jayson Hughes, talks us through his experience leaving sixth form and starting university at the Royal Veterinary College, and beyond.

Welcome to vet school! Making the most of your first week at university Image

Why vet school?

Choosing vet school was a natural decision for me, driven by my passion for science and my love for animals. Science has always fascinated me, and I grew up surrounded by a diverse range of animals. From my own flock of chickens, whose eggs I sold in the local village, to donkeys, my childhood was filled with unique animal experiences. Veterinary medicine seamlessly combined my interests and provided the perfect career path. 

Transitioning from sixth form to university 

Moving from Sixth Form to university was a significant step, but the transition wasn't as overwhelming as I had anticipated. The hours were manageable, and the intensity of the content was reasonable, especially in the first year. The key challenge is the volume of information you need to learn and retain. Staying organised and keeping on top of lectures is crucial for success. 

At the RVC, we get plenty of practical, hands-on experience. Whether it's in labs, the dissection room, or at the university farm, we're constantly learning animal handling skills. Although we haven't started fundamental clinical skills yet, our Animal Husbandry Extra Mural Studies (AHEMS) placements provide valuable real-world experience. 

Welcome Week at the Royal Veterinary College 

Freshers' Week at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) was an incredible and unforgettable experience. Moving into student accommodation was initially daunting, leaving the comfort of home and familiar faces behind. Feeling homesick the first night is completely normal, and it's something many of us went through. However, Freshers' Week helps ease this transition. 

I made the most of every event, meeting almost everyone I could. Even though I wasn't a party person, I embraced the themed nights and social activities. The friends I made during Freshers' Week are some of my closest friends now. My advice is to get involved – everyone is in the same boat, and it's a great opportunity to forge lasting friendships. 

I also joined the Hockey society during Freshers' Week, despite never having played before. It turned out to be a rewarding experience, and I've stuck with it ever since. Additionally, I tried various other sports and activities, from polo to mountaineering, which helped me discover my interests. 

Learning fundamental clinical skills 

While we haven't delved deeply into clinical skills in the first year, our AHEMS placements offer a glimpse into the practical side of veterinary work. My favourite experience so far has been lambing. It's the first time you really get to do something "vetty," with hands-on experience in assisting with lambing and providing necessary care. Lambing season is hard work but incredibly rewarding. 

Revision and exam periods 

Exams at the RVC are structured to keep us on our toes throughout the year. We have two small in-course assessments (ICAs), each worth 5% of our grade, one before Christmas and one in March. These allow us to have Christmas off and a five-week Easter break, some of which is used for AHEMS placements. Our final exams, making up 90% of our grade, are at the end of the year. 

Support from BVA 

BVA provides support throughout the year. During Freshers' Week, we had an informative talk from them, explaining their role and benefits. BVA offers EMS insurance for placements and valuable advice. The Association of Veterinary Students (AVS), the student division of BVA, also provides excellent resources, including pre-clinical guides that helped me prepare for placements like lambing. 

Signing off 

Overall, the first year of vet school is a challenging but incredibly rewarding journey. Embrace every opportunity, stay organised and make the most of your time at university. The experiences and friendships you build here will last a lifetime. 

Good luck, and enjoy the adventure! 


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