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The value of recognising exceptional young vets

17 Jun 2021 | Fabian George Blake Rivers


BVA Young Vet of the Year 2020 Fabian Rivers shares how his win has supported his career and why recognising the hard work of early-career vets is so essential for the UK’s veterinary community

The value of recognising exceptional young vets Image

There are few moments in my entire life which I felt as completely lost for words. When my name flashed up as winner for Young Vet of the Year, I was just so overcome with joy. It still feels like it actually never happened and am, to this very day, caught off guard when I’m reminded it did indeed happen!

But the positive followed beyond that moment. Being the winner for Young Vet of the Year Award 2020 actually acted as a catalyst for lots of great opportunities which I have since been involved in. From talks and lectures to TV opportunities and media work, I definitely understand that winning the award has been the cherry on top of the cake. It has undeniably helped act as a seal of approval and part of the key that has opened a lot of doors. For that I am so grateful.

We as a community have known the growing sense of disillusionment of recent and new graduates with their future in the field. Whilst this award is not a fix-it-all, it definitely helps drum up enthusiasm that the more junior vets are being seen and are visible. Young vets, be it winners, finalists, entries and the rest, are THE cornerstone of veterinary medicine. A community is only as good as its ability to withstand the future challenges, and creating an environment which is inviting and compassionate is essential to that.

I am really in awe of this award but more so the light it shines on the endless talent that we have. I can’t wait to see who else is unearthed by this wonderful award.


Nominations for Young Vet of the Year Award 2021 are open until 1 September. Submit your nomination online.


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