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Meet friends and get support with BVA Young Vet Network (YVN)

22 Jul 2020 | Jenna Riley


Jenna Riley is a representative for the BVA YVN group in Hertfordshire and encourages any new graduates and young vets to join their local group.

Meet friends and get support with BVA Young Vet Network (YVN) Image

When you’re a ‘young vet’ (yes, that includes me and anyone up to 8 years graduated), you’re often in a new area or dealing with new challenges. Without support this can be a really tough time, but WITH support it can be one of the best experiences of your life and set you up for a successful and enjoyable career. As a new graduate or young vet you may be living alone or with non-vets. Possibly in a new area. You’re probably working, or about to work, with a team of more advanced vets. This is great – hopefully you’ll be mentored and trained by those you’re working with, get to know a new area and meet new people!

But what about those ‘silly questions’ you have? Who do you chat through experiences with, good and bad, that will be on your level? Where do you meet these ‘new people’? 

WhatsApp groups and phone calls with existing friends/family/colleagues can help us feel supported from afar. Choosing a job with a good mentoring structure, in an area with already established support, such as family or friends, helps too. The BVA Young Vet Network isn’t a replacement for these things - it’s an accessible, friendly, additional string to your support bow.

I am a YVN representative for the Hertfordshire BVA Young Vet Network group. I do this because I love being a vet, I like meeting new people, I enjoy learning and doing the free CPD, and I’ve made friends that I want to keep seeing. I do this because I want YOU to feel supported. Whether you want to quietly come along for a bit of CPD, or if you want to chat away at a social. Whether you want to make new friends, or just have another group to turn to for career advice. Join your local group - it really will be worth it! 

Visit the YVN page to find all YVN groups on a map and join your local YVN Facebook group to get more information about what’s going on online or for meet ups in your area (when restrictions allow).


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