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How to succeed in the UK as a non-UK vet

26 Jul 2017 | Luis Sainz-Pardo


Working as a non-UK vet in the UK can be a rewarding professional experience - however, it can also be daunting and stressful. Luis Sainz-Pardo explains how the unique course: How to succeed in the UK as a non UK vet, will teach you the skills to have a successful career in the UK.

Working as a non-UK vet in the UK can be a wonderful, rewarding and profitable professional experience. However, it can also be a daunting, frustrating and stressful one depending on whom you speak to.

I remember the reasons why I came to the UK two and a half decades ago. They were the same reasons why other colleagues are still coming today: more job opportunities, higher clinical standards, an animal-loving society, better paid work and the opportunity to belong to a highly-regarded profession. I also remember that my plan was to come, obtain my PhD and then return to my home country, that was 24 years ago, and I am still here and happy to be so.

The rules of the game

What never crossed my mind at that point was that the reason why the UK is different is because the rules of the game are different. I use the analogy of a board game. You are invited to play but you are not told the rules. You make moves and decisions based on your own assumptions and understanding which will trigger sanctions and rewards in a seemingly random manner. Remember that the rules were never explained to you so you don’t understand why you receive these outcomes. What are the odds that you will win that game? How much frustration can this situation produce?

This uncertainty and lack of understanding could be why up to 50% of non-UK vets return to their home country within a period of 36 months.

Does it happen to you… or someone you know?

  • Do you work long hours trying to please your clients, colleagues and employer but appear to please no one?
  • Are you worried about making a clinical mistake due to tiredness?
  • Do your colleagues seem to be unhappy with you even when you try your best?
  • Are you struggling to get your first job in the UK or finding it difficult to progress professionally?

If this is the case it is very likely that you don’t know the rules of the game, you are playing hard but you feel like your efforts aren’t being recognised.

How can you succeed in the UK?

To succeed as a non-UK vet in the UK you need to know the following:

  • What clients, colleagues and employers expect from you
  • How to work smarter, not harder
  • How to communicate with others in a way they like and understand
  • How to manage your time effectively

The The How to Succeed in the UK as a non UK vet course will teach you the rules of the game and provide you with all the practical skills you need to have a successful career in the UK.


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