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BVA Scottish Branch 2017-2018: An Ode to our achievements

20 Apr 2018 | Melissa Donald


With the 2018 AGM fast approaching and nearly a full year into her term as Scottish Branch President, Melissa looks back at the achievements of BVA Scottish Branch - a year full of activity, lobbying wins and engagement.

With the 2018 AGM fast approaching and nearly a full year into my term as Scottish Branch President, I decided to take a look back at the achievements of BVA Scottish Branch - a year full of activity, lobbying wins and engagement.

Instead of boring you all with a list of our endeavours, I thought why not shake it up a bit and take a light-hearted look at Branch goings on. Hopefully it will give you a flavour of what Branch life has been like North of the border this year.

If this poem whets your appetite for Branch life and you’d like to join us at our AGM in Edinburgh on Tuesday 15 May, get in contact with Hayley Atkin to register you interest and receive more information.

An Ode to BVA Scottish Branch 2017-2018

Another wee blog, I was asked to do, 
to let you know, what we’ve been up to.
Over this last year, it’s been pretty frantic, 
with visits all over, but not the Atlantic.

It started in May, I became President
and before I knew it, was at the Government.
Committee to answer lots of questions about

tail docking legislation
, no mucking about.

Sadly we lost that one, you can’t win them all
we tried so hard, but couldn’t stop the call
Wild animals in circuses
and shock collars were wins,
the team was amazing, great big grins.

We respond to consultations, most weeks there is one,
be it Brexit or filming the man with the stun,
CCTV in abattoirs
, at the start led the way;
playing catch up now, to the rest of the UK.

We have twice yearly meetings, with stakeholders now,
SSPCA, Scottish Government (who raised funds for a cow)
National Rural Mental Health Forum, it’s a mouthful to name,
But mental wellbeing is the aim of the game.

We went to VetTrust in Stirling, HIVSS up north
EPIC surveillance conference
 in Edinburgh and AWF down south
All4One AMR was Glasgow based,
Mixing with medics, we’re all one race.

Other team members have been busy just the same,
Covering Scottish Animal Health and AMR again,
Veterinary delivery landscape AKA Scottish Vet Futures,
Cross Party Group on Animal Welfare
and Pet Rabbit Welfare issues.

We are helped by so many, BVA Officers and more,
The policy and media teams make it possible, I’m sure
You’ll all help me thank them for the work that they do
And all the volunteers that give their time freely too.

Our AGM is May 15th, to Scottish BVA members, its free!
Come along and join in, see how it works, how to be
Part of an organisation that cares, gives voice to its members
Put the date in your diary, so you’re sure to remember.

We’re looking for practitioners, recent graduates too,
Diversified vets or who even work at the zoo,
Whoever you are, you have skills that we know,
You have in abundance, why not give it a go!

This year has whizzed by, another one starts just shortly,
You meet amazing people, you have to avoid getting portly,
You can influence policy, show the world that you care -
Students, young vets, or older models, just be there.

If you are interested in attending our AGM on Tuesday 15 May, get in contact with Hayley Atkin to register you interest and receive more information.


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