Be heard internationally

Be part of an international community of veterinary professionals.

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Representation in Europe

BVA is a member of the Federations of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE), which represents veterinary organisations from 38 European countries. Alongside RCVS, we form the UK delegation at the bi-annual FVE General Assembly, which we hosted in London in 2022. Through UK representation on FVE Working Groups, including Medicines, Veterinary Public Health & Sustainability and Animal Welfare, we influence the development of FVE policy and inspire initiatives, including the FVE Animal Welfare Strategy. We also maintain links with the FVE Sections, which represent vets working in different fields of the profession, such as veterinary practitioners (UEVP), state officers (EASVO), food safety and veterinary public health (UEVH) and veterinarians working in education, research and industry (EVERI).

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Supporting vets in the Commonwealth

As a member of the Commonwealth Veterinary Association (CVA), we support the dissemination of professional knowledge and information, promote animal health and welfare and public health, and encourage the creation of national veterinary associations and statutory bodies in any Commonwealth member country where none exist.

Supporting vets in the Commonwealth Image

Influence worldwide

BVA is a member of the World Veterinary Association (WVA), which provides global leadership for the veterinary profession and promotes animal health and welfare and public health through advocacy, education, and partnership. We regularly contribute to the development of WVA policy positions, including statements on the responsible use of antimicrobials, the role of vets in aquatic animal health, and One Health.

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BVA is also a member of the International Veterinary Officers Coalition (IVOC), an informal group which promotes dialogue and collaboration among its member organisations: