Making an appeal
To appeal a result of a hip score or elbow grade, please follow the process below:
- The owner of the dog must lodge the appeal to the submitting veterinary surgeon within 45 days from the date of dispatch from CHS.
- The veterinary surgeon, who originally took the radiographs and submitted them to the scheme, should lodge the appeal to CHS by email [email protected].
- The original radiograph will be re-scored/re-graded by a further pair of scrutineers and then by the Chief Scrutineer, whose decision is final.
- The final result will then be relayed to the submitting veterinary surgeon.
- The original certificate will be kept by CHS.
The cost of an appeal is £145.50 and the process can take up to 4 weeks.
Please also be aware that the appeal process is prepared to either endorse, raise, or lower the score/grade.