Working Groups

Animals in performance sport working group

The Animals in performance sport working group has been convened by the BVA Policy Committee to develop a position on animals in performance sport.

Find out more information about the working group's scope and remit


  • Esther Skelly-Smith (BVA NI Branch President) – Chair
  • Malcolm Morley (BVA SVP) – BVA Officer representative
  • Mel Walsh (BVA Policy & Public Affairs Officer) - Secretary 
  • Julie Gibson – Policy Committee
  • Emily Craven – EWAP
  • Colin Gilbert - EWAP
  • Rachel Murray – Sport Horse Technician
  • Heather Bacon – Dean of Veterinary Medicine, University of Central Lancashire
  • Imogen Burrows– BEVA
  • Kim Wells – Global Animal Welfare
  • Dierdre Carson – Equine Vet and Former BEVA President
  • Barry Johnson – Horse Welfare Board
  • Kate O’Sullivan – BSAVA
  • Hazel Bentall - Society of Greyhound Vets
  • Sarah Cochrane – Greyhound Vet
  • Jane Williams – Horse Welfare Foundation
  • Sam Gaines - RSPCA

Meeting minutes

Our first meeting took place on 14 June. Further dates to be confirmed. 

The group are using the information gathered from their discussions to develop a policy position.


We welcome comments via our Policy & Public Affairs Officer, Mel Walsh