Our structure

Working groups

BVA working groups bring together veterinary professionals to review and devise responses to specific policy and ethical areas within the veterinary sector.

Details of current working groups will be available on this webpage in line with Policy Committee decisions on priority policy development.

For further information please contact [email protected]

Animals in performance sport working group

The Animals in performance sport working group has been convened by the BVA Policy Committee to develop a position on animals in performance sport.

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Anthelmintics working group

The Anthelmintics working group has been convened by the BVA Policy Committee to develop the BVA position on the potential reclassification of anthelmintics for grazing animals.


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Gene editing working group

The Gene editing working group (GEWG) has been convened by BVA Policy Committee to develop a BVA position on the ethics of gene editing in animals, in preparedness for the implementation of the Gene Editing (Precision Breeding) Act 2023

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