BVA divisions
We have 19 specialist divisions and 24 territorial divisions providing services to, and representing, veterinary surgeons in different specialisms across the UK.
Specialist divisions
Association of Government Veterinarians
AGV is a non-territorial division of the BVA and membership is open to anyone who is currently, or has been previously, employed by a Government department, or who provides services to Government.
Email: [email protected]
AGV President Anthony Ridge: [email protected]
Association of Veterinary Students
Represents all UK and Dublin veterinary students and aims to improve undergraduate education by bringing together all UK veterinary students.
Twitter: @AVS_UK_Ireland
Facebook: @AVS.UK.Ireland
Instagram: @avsukirl
British Cattle Veterinary Association
Association involved with all aspects of cattle veterinary matters and consulted by many organisations for informed opinion.
Email: [email protected] or call 01452 260125
Twitter: @theBCVA
British Deer Veterinary Association
Members are involved with the management and diseases of wild and captive deer.
Email: [email protected]
Upcoming event:
BDVA, our next meeting is an online evening meeting on 21 February 2024, with James Barnett of Axiom Labs, on the topic of deer and clinical pathology.
Please contact [email protected] for more details.
British Equine Veterinary Association
BEVA promotes veterinary and allied sciences related to horse welfare and is a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas.
Email: [email protected]
British Small Animal Veterinary Association
BSAVA fosters and promotes the interests of all veterinarians concerned with small animal practice, teaching, and research. It has developed into a major association and has charity status.
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @TheBSAVA
Facebook: @TheBSAVA
Instagram: @TheBSAVA
British Veterinary Hospitals Association
The BVHA actively promotes high standards of patient care through improvements in the design, management, and equipment of veterinary hospitals. Full membership is open to any RCVS-approved veterinary hospital. Associate membership is open to any other UK practice or individual involved in the veterinary profession.
Email: [email protected]
British Veterinary Poultry Association
The BVPA encompasses all matters poultry - breeding and hatching, welfare, research and development. The poultry industry is a leading agricultural industry and veterinary input is vital in this specialised and technical field.
Email: [email protected]
British Veterinary Zoological Society
BVZS is involved in almost every aspect of the care and welfare of wild animals. It has responsibility for exotic pets, companion avian species, zoo animals, and wildlife.
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @BVZSPresident
Fish Veterinary Society
FVS provides a forum for veterinary professionals with an interest in promoting the health and well being of fish by discussion of fish health care and problems and the exchange of professional and scientific information.
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: /fishvetsociety
Goat Veterinary Society
Founded in 1979 to promote interest in, and improve knowledge of, goats in the veterinary profession.
Email: Ben Dustan MRCVS [email protected]
Twitter: @vetgoat
Laboratory Animals Veterinary Association
LAVA deals with the veterinary care and all aspects of the welfare of laboratory animals. It helps to make sure that vets are properly equipped to look after experimental animals.
Email: [email protected]
Pig Veterinary Society
The aims of the society are to enhance knowledge and understanding of pig disease, herd health, management, husbandry, economics, and welfare.
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @PigVetSoc
Royal Army Veterinary Corps
Membership is open to serving or retired members of the RAVC who are BVA members.
Email: [email protected]
Sheep Veterinary Society
Promotes sheep health and welfare and provides a forum for discussions and advice on sheep matters.
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @sheepvetsoc
Society of Greyhound Veterinarians
Concerned with the health and welfare of the racing greyhound.
Email Michael Watts [email protected]
Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons
Provides advice, information, and practical guidance for vets working in general practice.
Email: [email protected]
Veterinary Public Health Association
Concerned with all aspects of the production of food of animal origin and the improvement of animal welfare.
Territorial divisions
Ayrshire Veterinary Association
Contact: [email protected]
Central Veterinary Society
Contact: [email protected]
Cornwall Veterinary Association
Contact: [email protected]
Cotswold Veterinary Association
Dumfries and Galloway Division
East Midlands Veterinary Association
Eastern Counties Veterinary Society
Contact: [email protected]
Essex Veterinary Society
Lakeland Veterinary Association
Contact: [email protected]
Lincolnshire and District Veterinary Association
Contact: [email protected]
North of England Veterinary Association
North of Ireland Veterinary Association
North of Scotland Division
Contact: [email protected]
North Wales Division
Royal Counties Veterinary Association
Shropshire Veterinary Association
Contact: [email protected]
South Eastern Veterinary Association
Contact: [email protected]
Southern Counties Veterinary Society
Sussex Veterinary Society
Warwickshire Veterinary Association
WVCC Programme 2017-18 (82 KB PDF)WVCC Sub form 2017-18 (62 KB PDF)
Contact: [email protected]
Western Counties Veterinary Association
Wyvern Veterinary Society
Contact: [email protected]
Yorkshire Veterinary Society
Affiliate organisations
Association for Veterinary Teaching and Research Work
Represents teachers of veterinary science in the UK and Irish veterinary schools as well as those engaged in veterinary research in universities, research institutes, and industry.
British Veterinary LGBT+
A community of LGBT+ people and their allies working in the veterinary professions.
British Veterinary Nursing Association
Promotes animal health and welfare through the ongoing development of professional excellence in veterinary nursing.
Email: [email protected]
Veterinary Management Group (formerly VPMA)
Aims to help grow veterinary practice management skills through support, sharing, and learning.
Email: [email protected]
Insurance cover for divisions
BVA holds an insurance scheme which provides cover for divisions in respect of the following:
- employer's liability & public liability (does not apply to SPVS)
- professional services/trustee and officers cover
- regalia held by divisions (only where specified in the most recent correspondence from Lloyd & Whyte)
Divisions are sent an annual declaration (around April) which explains the criteria which must be met for cover to remain in force. One such stipulation is that the officers of the division must be fully paid up members of the BVA, including the secretary, press officer, president, treasurer and BVA Council representative.
Cover does not apply for BSAVA as they make their own arrangements.
1. Employers Liability & Public Liability
- Insured through Zurich.
- This policy covers physical loss or damage to property or bodily injury. For example, if the Division faces litigation from a member of the Division, a member of the public or an employee, following an accident at a Divisional event.
- Employers Liability (£10 million limit of indemnity per incident) including cover relating to volunteers.
- Public Liability (£10 million limit of indemnity per incident) covers the Division in respect of relevant conferences, events (including training events) and meetings.
- There is an excess of £250 for Third Party Property Damage.
- Employers Liability Certificate (212 KB PDF)
- Evidence of Public Liability insurance (410 KB PDF) (which may be useful if venues ask for proof that insurance is in force).
- Full Policy wording (1,652 KB PDF) - refer to sections J & K.
2. Professional Services / Trustee & Officer Cover
- Insured through Royal & Sun Alliance.
- This insurance will provide cover (subject to the terms of the policy) in the event that litigation is brought against your Division (or a Trustee / Officer) working in the capacity of a Professional Association for “wrongful acts” (eg. libel and slander / mis-advice).
- There is a limit of indemnity of £1 million per annum per Division. This is all subject to an overall limit for all Divisions of £2 million per annum.
- The policy also covers theft of money by a Trustee, Officer or Employee, with a limit of £10,000 per Division per annum.
- There is an excess of £2500 per claim.
- Full Policy wording (673 KB PDF)
3. Cover for Divisional Regalia
- Your Division is covered for specified items of Divisional Regalia, ONLY if they are itemised within the most recent correspondence from Lloyd & Whyte.
- Insured through Zurich.
- If you have any further Divisional Regalia requiring cover, please contact Lloyd & Whyte.
- There is an excess of £350 per claim.
- if the Regalia is left in an unattended vehicle (which we would not recommend) it must be concealed in a glove compartment or boot and be securely locked.
- Full Policy wording (1,652 KB PDF) - refer to section I.
Important Notes
- There is no cover in place for damage to any buildings or contents owned or used by any Division (other than for Divisional Regalia where shown above). Separate insurance should be sought if you have any such property. If you have insurance requirements in this respect, Lloyd & Whyte could assist.
- All cover is subject to the full terms and conditions of the relevant insurance policy. Cover is subject to change. Divisions will be sent summaries each year at renewal in or around April.
- There is no cover for any aspect of this insurance in respect of BSAVA as they make their own arrangements.
- There is no cover for Public Liability or Employers Liability in respect of SPVS as they make their own arrangements.
- If any Division has a related Trust, acting as a separate legal entity, then this is not covered by any aspect of this insurance – please refer to Lloyd & Whyte if unsure.
- The Public Liability insurance is designed to cover typical non-manual activities of an association, such as relevant conferences, events (including training events) and meetings. If there are any hazardous activities, such as events with a bouncy castle, then please refer to Lloyd & Whyte.
- The insurance can cover occasional work overseas, although UK jurisdiction will apply in respect of any claim.
- Any potential claim, or event which could give rise to a claim, should be notified immediately to Lloyd & Whyte.
- The cover described above does not include cover for medical malpractice / treatment of animals. The policy described in point 2 above is intended to cover the Divisions for advice given to veterinary members but it would not cover the Division for any direct treatment of animals. If your Division does get involved directly in the treatment of animals (for example as part of training), then the vet attending to such animal should ensure that their professional indemnity insurance will provide the necessary cover.