BVA veterinary awards

BVA recognises outstanding contributions to the veterinary profession through several awards.

We also award BVA travel grants to students and new graduates.

BVA Outstanding Service Award (Chiron Award)

The BVA Outstanding Service Award (Chiron Award) is presented for outstanding contributions to veterinary science, or for outstanding services to the veterinary profession, judged in either case as being of a calibre commanding international or inter-professional recognition.  

The 2023 award was presented to Dr Jane Ladlow.

Previous Chiron Award recipients

2024 nominations are now closed.

BVA Outstanding Service Award (Chiron Award) Image
BVA Advancement of Veterinary Science Award (Dalrymple-Champneys Cup and Medal) Image

BVA Advancement of Veterinary Science Award (Dalrymple-Champneys Cup and Medal)

The BVA Advancement of Veterinary Science Award (Dalrymple-Champneys Cup and Medal) is presented to a member of BVA to recognise work of outstanding merit.

As a mark of the esteem in which he held the veterinary profession, Sir Weldon Dalrymple-Champneys presented a Cup to the BVA in 1934.The object of this gift was to mark and recognise work of outstanding merit which it is considered will encourage the advancement of veterinary science.

The award is also open to those who have done work which has not been published or have undertaken other activities which are considered to have encouraged the advancement - and dissemination of knowledge - of veterinary science and medicine.

The 2023 cup and medal was awarded to Dr Richard Sibley (Dick Sibley)

Previous Dalrymple-Champneys Cup and Medal recipients

Please also read James Russell’s blog highlighting the value of the award and encouraging members to nominate colleagues.

2024 nominations are now closed.

2024 student travel grant application closed

Find out more about the Harry Steele-Bodger memorial travel scholarship

BVA Animal Health and Welfare Overseas Award (J.Trevor Blackburn Award)

The BVA Animal Health and Welfare Overseas Award (J.Trevor Blackburn Award) is made to a member of BVA in recognition of contributions to animal health and welfare in low and middle income countries.

This award was instigated in 2006 in memory of Trevor Blackburn, President of BVA 1984-85, the Commonwealth Veterinary Association 1988-91, and the World Veterinary Association 1991-95.

In creating the award, BVA was mindful of the countless numbers of British vets who have worked overseas over the past 200 years.

Many of those in the early days were in the colonial service or, later, worked with government departments or aid organisations in newly independent countries. All contributed to the control of livestock disease and the raising of standards of animal and human health.

Today many vets still live and work overseas contributing to animal health and welfare, and environmental needs, in low and middle income countries. Often their they do not receive the recognition they deserve and the J.Trevor Blackburn Award, named after a colleague who believed passionately that the profession has so much to offer, provides an opportunity to reward those people.

BVA members can nominate a fellow BVA member who they think deserves to have their valuable overseas work acknowledged.

The award was last presented to Dr Luke Gamble in 2023. See previous Trevor Blackburn Award recipients.

2024 nominations are now closed

BVA Animal Health and Welfare Overseas Award  (J.Trevor Blackburn Award) Image
BVA Council Impact Award (Bleby Cup) Image

BVA Council Impact Award (Bleby Cup)

The BVA Council Impact Award (Bleby Cup) is presented by BVA Officers annually to the Council member who, in the opinion of the Officers, has made an outstanding contribution at Council. The Cup was given to the Association by John Bleby after a remarkable 42 years on BVA Council representing Central Veterinary Society. Professor Bleby’s final Council meeting was in July 2010. 

The current holder of the Bleby Cup is Dr Elysé Summerfield-Smith.

For further information contact [email protected]