Consultations on veterinary policies

Comment on current consultations

We are currently developing responses to the consultations below. If you're a BVA member you can send your comments to [email protected].

Past consultation responses

Have a look at our past consultation responses.

Looking for a specific consultation?

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Body Consultation Response Deadline Response Published
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs Livestock feed controls review for England and Wales 01/Apr/2025
{{consultationListing.ConsultationBody}} {{consultationListing.Title}} {{consultationListing.Title}} {{consultationListing.ResponseDeadline}} {{consultationListing.ResponsePublished}}

Sorry we don't currently have any active consultations. Please check back at a later date.

BVA survey panel

Our Voice of the Veterinary Profession survey has generated hundreds of national news stories since its launch in 2014. But we need to keep promoting the profession and animal welfare, so why not get involved and add your voice to the survey panel?